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Java 8 Stream – anyMatch() example

We define two Predicate object :p1 and p2 represents different conditions.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class StreamAnyMatchExample {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Predicate<Student> p1 = s -> s.stuName.startsWith("S");
    Predicate<Student> p2 = s -> s.stuAge < 28 && s.stuName.startsWith("Z");
    List<Student> list = Student.getStudents();

    /* anyMatch() method checks whether any Stream element matches
     * the specified predicate
    boolean b3 =;
    boolean b4 =;

class Student {

  int stuId;
  int stuAge;
  String stuName;

  Student(int id, int age, String name) {
    this.stuId = id;
    this.stuAge = age;
    this.stuName = name;

  public int getStuId() {
    return stuId;

  public int getStuAge() {
    return stuAge;

  public String getStuName() {
    return stuName;

  public static List<Student> getStudents() {
    List<Student> list = new ArrayList<>();
    list.add(new Student(11, 28, "Lucy"));
    list.add(new Student(28, 27, "Kiku"));
    list.add(new Student(32, 30, "Dani"));
    list.add(new Student(49, 27, "Steve"));
    return list;

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